Monday, 12 March 2012

Loren "Pandora"

I was looking at the journey our journals have been taken and wanted to know who still has mine. It appears Loren has several if I am reading the chart right. Loren could you PLEASE let us know what you are doing with the journals and when they will be put in the mail for the next person? We have heard nothing and I for one am eager to see my journal move on. I appreciate if life has thrown you a loop and I am speaking for myself only in saying that if this is the case and you are overloaded you can send mine on without having completed work in it...I wish you the best but am eager to see my journal move along as you have had it for quite some time now.


  1. Oh indeed, I've just noticed while adjusting for Deedee's journal, Loren has 3 journals? I've only been able to update as people let me know, so this may not be right, but unless I'm advised- I cannot update. Loren can you please let me know if this is right, and forward appropriate journals, there does seem to be a bit of a blockage...
    many thanks, Kal.xx

  2. I have send out all journals to Liz the only notebook in my possession in Ms. Sadie D. I just sent an email to Kalona with update. I hope that helps a little bit with the confusion.

  3. Thanks Loren, I've updated, posted and let Shari know.xx

  4. Thanks so much Loren for clearing my confusion :) I appreciate it very much, I didn't know where at and thankyou for letting us know.


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