Wednesday 21 December 2011

Our own badge...

Hiya ladies,
I've had a little time to play today, my head is filled with cold and light is making my head spin so couldn't spend as long as I wanted on the pc, BUT- I think I've cracked it!!
On the right is a badge, if you highlight the text in the little box, and copy then go to your own blog design page...
Find either the widgets or gadgets box and add one. In blogger choose the html gadget and simply paste the text into that box. It should work, both to link directly back to 15-15-15, and allow others to copy the code...
any problems let me know, although I am laying low for a few
I 've just found that on your blog it will only show the image- which is much nicer!! Yay!


  1. Thank you so much Kalona
    ~sending you warmth and healing from this southern summer solstice day <3

  2. Yaaay! I added it with pride to my blog. Hope you feel better soon! xo

  3. I added the badge to my blog. Thanks, Kalona. It gave me the encouragement I needed to get back blogging.


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