Saturday 17 December 2011

Wow is all I can say!!

Well, I am amazed,
A small revelation, a world of determination and suddenly it all starts to come together!!! We have pics we've not seen, posts from other 15'ers, and everyone seems to be full of renewed excitement and grit!
Hats off to you all- get your pics posted and show off your work!! There's no excuse now!
Proud to be arting it up with all of you...tear, drip, sniff!


  1. You have done this in a timely and beautiful fashion Kal, thank you so much for stepping in, in the nick of time and saving all of our posts.
    I love "15 Artists determined to send their lovingly crafted journals round the world on a very special journey...."

    Blessings to you all

  2. Thankyou Louise- we will


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